From the Podium...
A music education is a personal journey of self-discovery, skill mastery, social connection & teamwork, self-expression, personal achievement, individual investment, and creative expression. Music acquisition comes from whole brain learning and as such, music study shows scientific connections with all academic learning. To say it succinctly, music is good for the brain and good for the soul. I hope to inspire students to make connections in music-making for a lifetime, no matter what they pursue for a living. As with all skill development, mastery is earned step by step through time invested with consistent practice and self-discipline and much patience over an extended amount of time. I would love to see all of our kids explore playing a musical instrument to see if it sparks their passions. But I would also encourage patience in the process! As with most journeys in life, their will be peaks and valleys, unexpected surprises, moments that challenge us and hopefully even more that inspire us to drive around the next bend to see what's next.