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 All families need to fill out the information on the following link:

1)Click link: 

Be Part of the Band 2019 Sign-up

2)Sign up for REMIND  messages:

A.  If you have a smartphone, get push notifications:  On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the link for your class and follow the instructions.
Beginning Band, your code is:
B.  If you don't have a smartphone, get text notifications:
Beginning Band: Text the message: @6f8c73 to the number 81010


Upcoming Beginning Band Dates

August 16 (First week) : GBHS Emerald Brigade students come to Excelsior for an assembly to demonstrate the instruments of the band. 
August 26 (last Monday): Band sign-up form due (sent via email ).
Tues.  27th (3rd week of Aug) All Beginners in P-5 at 1:40pm.  No instruments needed. Bring pencils.
Thurs. 29th (End of August): Beginning Band Parent Meeting and Rental Night with the Music Yard in the Excelsior MP. Two Sessions to choose from: 5:30-7pm or 7-8:30pm. 
September 3 (Tuesday after Labor Day): Full Schedule Begins with Tuesday 8am-8:50am class.  Please arrive at 7:50am so we can start at 8am. Note that kids will not bring their instruments on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for the first few weeks of band.  They will need them for the afternoon sessions.  

More About the Band Parent Informational Meeting & Rental Night!

Please come to the Excelsior Band Parent Informational Meeting on Thursday, Aug. 29th.   The Music Yard will have teachers present to allow kids to try their top 2 instrument choices.  To spread out the kids, you may choose 5:30-7pm or 7-8:30pm.  I also have fliers available from our other reputable stores.  The Music Store in Rocklin is offering a chance to try instruments in shop if you set up an appointment to do so. 
IMPORTANT: DO NOT BUY INSTRUMENTS FROM COSTCO, SAM'S CLUB, WALL-MART.  Proceed with caution buying used instruments.  Be sure you secure a REPUTABLE BRAND.  If you are using an old instrument, have it serviced to make sure it is playable. 
Instrument Choices

Instrument Choices

Instrument Choices for 5th Graders and Beginning 6th Graders:

PERCUSSION (starting on bells. 2 years piano experience highly recommended)

Click here for some INSTRUMENT DEMOS



If you are hoping to secure a school instrument loan for band this year, please fill out the information in the loan request link below. Note that this is just a request.  A school loan paper will follow if we have an instrument for your child.  We try to prioritize the loans based on level of financial need, but we hope to get our inventory of instruments into the hands of our players.  Large instruments like baritone, tuba, bass clarinet and trombone we generally loan through the school.  First step is to fill out the request using the link below.   If there is an instrument available to loan, you will be given an actual loan contract.  I will let you know whether or not I can fill the request.  Thank you.



DAILY Supplies

DAILY Supplies

Handout available under Handouts: Both Bands, or click here.)

1.Instrument (with name and classroom visible on case. They all look alike!)
2.Method Book: Essential Elements Book 1 for your child's instrument (Name and classroom on front cover)
3. 3-Ring Binder with Paper and Pencils (EVERYTIME!)
4. When given sheet music, it should be hole-punched and attached in binder ALWAYS.
5. Appropriate cleaning/playing supplies for your instrument:
  • Flutes: cleaning rod & swab
  • Clarinets: cap, cleaning swab & reeds (start with at least four size 2 reeds (indicates the hardness)
  • Trumpets: valve oil & soft cloth for cleaning
  • Trombones: slide grease, mouthpiece brush, small water bottle  & soft cloth for cleaning
  • Baritones: valve oil, mouthpiece brush & soft cloth for cleaning
  • Tuba: valve oil, mouthpiece brus  & soft cloth for cleaning
  • Percussion: snare sticks and mallets (usually come with the bell kit you rent)
Students hoping to rent through the school should fill out the School Instrument rental form in the left column
Band Schedule for 2019-2020

Band Schedule for 2019-2020

 (Handout available under Handouts: All Groups)

Band students meet 3 days a week: 2 mornings before school with all players; one afternoon by instrument as a pull-out from the classroom. 
All Beginners: Tuesdays and Thursdays  8:00-8:50am: Everyone in 5th Grade Band (***Starting on Sept. 3rd***). Please arrive at 7:50am so that we can play right at 8:00am.
Afternoon Pull-Out Classes 
1:40-2:15-Clarinet Group 1     2:15-2:50pm-Clarinet Group 2      2:50-3:25-Percussion
1:40-2:15-Flutes    2:15-2:50pm Trumpet/Baritones*   2:50-3:25 Low Brass Trombones (and Baritone)
*Baritones start with trumpets and move to the trombone slot after the first 3 lessons.
*The schedule may shift depending on the numbers of players we have on each instrument.
*The afternoons rotate each trimester so that kids don't miss the same subject all year. 



Dear Parents,  I am excited to bring new students into the world of music-making.  I got my start as a fourth grader teaching myself the piano by working my way through my neighbor's piano books.  In 5th grade, I was introduced to the flute at the recruiting assembly, much like the one we present annually here; thus began a life-long journey in music.  I did not know as an enchanted 5th grade beginner that the start of playing an instrument would shape my joys in life and even lead me toward my profession.  Nor did I know at that point how many amazing memories awaited me: musical challenges to proudly conquer, friends forged through teamwork, creativity, fun and interdependence, and places to go as I shared my music on band tours, in the community, and in honor groups.  The fact is, the journey through music has the potential to challenge and grow your child in many positive ways.  But that is not to say it will be easy or all fun or without frustrating moments.  What is true: kids learn to trust the challenging moments more and more as they get to the other side of each one.  That builds confidence in music and in life.  Music requires discipline,perseverance, patience, practice and consistency.  It fosters delayed gratification and mastery over time.  With these thoughts in mind, I ask that you and your child honor the commitment you make to the band by honoring the following expectations.  Whether the experience lasts a year or a lifetime, there are many valuable lessons to be gained:
1) Do not quit early.  Band is a year-long commitment, renewed annually at the start of each new year and new level.  The kids need time to grow their skills.  This happens on a different time line for each player.  Know that the group becomes interdependent: we rely on each other in our performances.  Stay the course.
2) That said, IF your child is wanting to quit band, it is the parent that needs to communicate with me, not the child.  You can email me, call me, stop by.  In this way, I am assured that communications are clear and we've worked through any concerns first.  Yes, I admit that I will likely encourage you to continue and will try to work through the situation first.  But I will also respect your decision once we've communicated.  
3) Your child is making a commitment to this group.  WE ARE A TEAM.   This means your child needs to attend the rehearsals with the team.  Keep missed rehearsals to a minimum.  Send a note if the student missed for an excused reason, such as illness, absence from school or a medical appointment. Students MUST come to band if they are at school.  If there is a reason they cannot stay, we will negotiate a time to make-up.
4) Be sure your child has the proper supplies.  In addition to the instrument, music supplies, and method book, the kids need a 3 ring binder with paper and pencil everyday.  Please make sure your child is well-prepared, just as they are expected to be in other classes such as math or science.  I can't stress the importance of this enough.  Kids need ALL of their required supplies at rehearsal
5) Communicate your concerns with me. I want to help your child grow confidently through this experience.  I think you will find me approachable and hopefully you will know that my heart is behind the actions I take.  Your child becomes my band kid. If you as a parent have not played an instrument, you may be flustered by your child's possible discomfort along the way, but I can give you a lot of perspective on what is normal and what possible remedies can be offered to help solve problems. 


Consistent attendance results in many extrinsic rewarding opportunities such as perfect attendance parties, field trips and performances.  Kids who struggle with attendance will not be invited to participate in these rewards.
Perfect Attendance is defined as attending 2 mornings and 1 afternoon rehearsal each week (Beginning Band through January is 1 morning and 1 afternoon rehearsal a week).  The kids will be given the following grace each trimester: one morning and one afternoon freebie; 2 days attending band with no instrument (beyond the 2 days, student may be sent back to class; and 2 days for excused absences from school (must provide a note within 2 weeks).  If a teacher keeps the kids from attending, we will work out a make-up, but the kids will not be penalized.  Students who meet this expectation will earn a perfect attendance treat and certificate.  (Parents are called upon to provide treats for the perfect attendance parties). 
Field Trips:  Students who miss 5 unexcused times in a trimester  (this is a lot!) will not be eligible for band field trips in that trimester (for example: 2nd trimester Advanced Band to the SNW Performance).  The field trip is a reward for the kids who are putting in the discipline and honoring their commitment.
Performances:  Performances are like fueling stations for our players. They provide a chance to stop where we are at and share our progress with our families.  The collective growth often exceeds individual growth, so all kids get to feel the satisfaction of the outcome.  The excitement and success of our group efforts is often a great motivator for honoring the work that goes into the journey. It helps to stoke the flames of musical growth.  Of course I want the kids to be able to perform, even if they can only play some of the music.  But because we grow as a team and learn as a team, we are also counting on each individual to be there with the team in the preparations.  Dependability, accountability and follow-through are all part of the lessons we are teaching.  Kids who miss excessively don't learn with the team and it is not fair to all of the kids who are working hard, to have other kids come in for the performance and not know their parts because they weren't there for the practice.  As such, I reserve the right to remove a student from the concert for excessive absences. (see 'field trips' above).  I will consider extenuating circumstances individually).  This does not mean a child cannot continue to be in the band. 
Celebration Breakfast: The parents host a celebration breakfast on the day following our Winter Concert. I will have a google doc sign up when we get closer in January. All students who perform in the concert are invited to the breakfast.  Of course it is my sincere hope that these experiences motivate the kids to continue onward and upward in their musical journey. 
Reward Charts: Kids have a reward chart with 50 squares to be signed.  They are signed each time a child comes to rehearsal or plays a playing test.  Kids who fill in 50 squares earn a pin that is presented at the next concert.  Advanced Band kids can continue on last year's reward chart.