- Parents
Beginning of the School Year Information
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!![]()
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Hello Excelsior Families!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Excelsior! We hope that you are having a wonderful summer and that you will soon be ready for the start of a new school year at Excelsior. We are excited to welcome our returning students as well as families new to our school, and we are looking forward to the adventures this year will bring.
As we prepare to begin the year, we want to provide an overview for all of our families so that you will know what you can expect in the coming weeks.
Our New Family Orientation Slides are available HERE. We did our best to provide all of the relevant information needed for the start of the school year, but please feel free to email or call us if you have questions! (The slides are also available below as a PDF.)
To help you ease into the year, here are a few other important items:
- First Day of School - The first day of school for students is Wednesday, August 14th.
- District Calendar - The district calendar can be found on our district website HERE.
- Excelsior Student Handbook - The student handbook can be found HERE.
- Class Assignment Night - Our PTC will hold our “Class Assignment Night” at Excelsior on Tuesday, August 13th from 5:00 - 6:00 pm. Class lists will be posted, Snowie King will be here, and pre-purchased supply kits can be picked up at this event.
- Student Class Placements - Placements will be available in PowerSchool on the evening of Tuesday, August 13th. At that time you will be able to log in to your PowerSchool parent portal to view your child’s class assignment. (You previously received information about setting up PowerSchool access, but if you need help accessing the parent portal, please contact the school office.)
- Collaboration Days - Please note that staff collaboration days will be on Wednesdays, so Excelsior students will be dismissed at 2:20 on every Wednesday during the school year.
- Recommended School Supplies - Lists of recommended supplies for each grade level are posted below.
- Student Chromebooks - If your student has already been provided a district Chromebook, they should bring their fully-charged device to school on the first day. Students who do not yet have a district-issued Chromebook will have one checked out to them during the first week of school. We encourage all of our families to participate in the annual Chromebook Protection Plan offered by the district.
- Free/Reduced Lunch - Lunch and breakfast will be provided to students free of cost again this year, but if your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, it is still important that you complete the online application which can be found HERE.
- Transportation - Information about district transportation, bus routes, and bus passes can be found HERE.
- Back to School Night - Additional information about your child’s educational experience will be provided by your child’s classroom teacher during Back to School Night on Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00 pm.
- Medication - If your child requires medication during the school day they will need an authorization form submitted. Authorization forms can be found on our health services website HERE. Medications and authorization forms may be dropped off at the Eureka Union School District office (5455 Eureka Road) between 9:00-3:00 on Monday, August 12.
We strongly encourage you to read the emails that will come to you from our school and district throughout the year. These notifications will contain important information relating to school and district events, activities and timelines. I will also do my best this year to continue posting pictures and updates on our Excelsior School Facebook page so that you can stay in touch with our students' activities. Our Excelsior School Website is also updated regularly.
As you know, there are multiple opportunities for families to be involved in the educational process. Your support is critical to the success of our learners, and we continue to welcome your active participation. Please look for information about our Parent Teacher Club, the Eureka Schools Foundation, and other ways of supporting your students and our school during the upcoming year. By working together, we can ensure that this will be an exceptional year for our students at Excelsior!
If there is anything else we can do to help as you prepare for the start of school, please let us know. We are looking forward to a great school year!
Heidi Williams, Ed.D.
Back to School Night Video